Saturday, 25 October 2008

King......welll no QUEEN of the DECKS!!

Okay!!! so we (Me, Figs, and Blackstar) went over to Mansfield to the "King of the Decks" competion..... Mansfield is different!!!! no details it's jus different lol...... There was supposed to be 3 DJ's this week one never turned up so .... it was Figa Vs Mantis....... two Derby Dj's battling it out in Mansfield....

We know Mantis, played alongside him a few times.... moves in the same circles... so we knew he had skill and ability..... Figa was READY though!!! for those that are thinking who is Figa?.. she is a Female DJ based in Derby and a member of my collective TRINITY (Mc's, rappers, Singers, DJ's, Producers, etc)

Figa began strong.. she had to adapt her set.... (the Mansfieldian love Techno) but showed her veratility and had the people bubbling and singing.... she dropped Mary J Blige 'FINE' mixed with house...... SMASHED it.. oh yeah and Ini Kamoze 'HOTSTEPPA'.... "naaa, na na naaa..." WOW.... exclusive dubs.... NO bias but on da real...... Figa 'killed' it and WON!!! deservedly so.... even though Mantis played a good set the crowd crowned Figa (Queen of the Decks) but now on to the Mansfield finals.... in two weeks..... !!!!!! Trinity de yah...!!!! yazeemi 1 Gone

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